
 TCL L32HDF11TA 32-Inch 720p 60 Hz LCD HDTV with 2-Year Warranty

TCL L32HDF11TA 32-Inch 720p 60 Hz LCD HDTV with 2-Year Warranty

Monday, August 20, 2012

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

The "Plasma vs Lcd Hdtv" deliberate upon has proponents on both sides, and let's be serious here. Both will give you a great picture. But if you are a discriminating shopper, like myself, you want to get the absolute best inherent video available. While both have their merits, when considering Lcd vs Plasma Hdtv, you indubitably need to know some basic Hdtv facts about them both so you can make an informed decision.

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

Plasma televisions use neon, xenon and helium glasses in the middle of a layer of two glass panels. When the set is turned on, the gases are heated, and red, blue and green phosphors produce colors that are shown in tiny units called pixels.

It sounds very technical, but indubitably carries over some of the old problems with Crt screens of the past. Phosphor-based televisions can still get "burn-in" over time. This happens when a static image is continuously shown on the screen, say in a gaming application. This is one negative about Plasma Hdtv sets.

Comparing Plasma vs Lcd Hdtv on this front, we find that Lcd Hdtv uses layers of polarized material to produce images. One layer has a special polymer that holds liquid crystals. Electrical current is passed straight through or caught to display colors and pictures.

Since there are no phosphors to heat, Lcd Hdtv is cooler, and has no burn-in issues, so requires less electricity to run, and no radiation is emitted from the screen.

As far as screen size when comparing Lcd vs Plasma Hdtv, Plasma is the clear winner. Ranging up to 65 inches, if you like size, Plasma is the way to go. Lcd Tv sets ordinarily run up to 52 inches. Because of the technology in the sets, Plasma sets weigh more.

As far as appearance in the Plasma vs Lcd Hdtv debate, static pictures are far more strict on Lcd Hdtv sets, whereas Plasma Hdtv sets produce best tantalizing images and colors.

If you live in high altitudes, stop reading these Hdtv facts and run get an Lcd Hdtv. Plasma sets emit a humming sound, like neon signs, in high altitudes.

As far as your Light bill is concerned, Plasma sets want about twice the energy, since each pixel is a Light source. Lcd Hdtv sets use fluorescent backLighting, a much less costly "fuel".

Conclusion: Now that you know the Hdtv facts in the Plasma vs Lcd Hdtv debate, it is up to you to pick a set that has the features you need. Plasma sets are bigger, heavier, want more electricity, may burn in after years of use and "hum" at high altitudes, but offer best tantalizing images. Lcd Hdtv sets are Lighter, use less electricity, have no high altitude issues, have a smaller "top of the range" size, will not "burn in" but have a marginally diminished video picture.

Whichever way you go, you will end up with a crisp, clean photo employing the latest technology. Happy viewing!

Plasma Vs Lcd Hdtv - Get the Plasma and Hdtv Facts Before You Decide!

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