
 TCL L32HDF11TA 32-Inch 720p 60 Hz LCD HDTV with 2-Year Warranty

TCL L32HDF11TA 32-Inch 720p 60 Hz LCD HDTV with 2-Year Warranty

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lcd Hdtv describe - Samsung Ln46A650

Lcd Hdtv describe - Samsung Ln46A650

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The reviews are in! Although, the Samsung Ln46A650 46-Inch 1080p 120Hz Lcd Hdtv has been on the Hdtv shop for almost a year now, this Lcd Hdtv has lived up to the ability that Samsung has been known for.

Many professional reviewers will quote a goods when it first arrives on the market, but their quote is based on a very miniature number of use. Oh sure, in the case of an Hdtv, the photo ability can be stunning, and all the features impressive, but can it stand the test of time?

Standing the test of time is what is leading to you as a inherent buyer of the Samsung Ln46A650. Based on the thousands of reviews that are available for the Samsung Ln46A650, I can conclusively tell you that this Hdtv is the real deal.

Now, in this review, I am going to go over what it is about this television that has made the grade. But at the same time, I will try to explain, as brief as possible, the features that I mention. Many reviewers will toss nearby the technical terminology, assuming you know what they are talking about. You may know, but let's face it, we are not all efficionados when it comes to the technical advances in electronics.

So, with all that said, here is my quote for this Samsung 46-Inch 1080p 120Hz Lcd Hdtv. Just in this last sentence, with the name of this product, I've already thrown out terminology that probably looks foreign to you.

What is a "1080p 120Hz Hdtv, anyway? The "1080p" is a reference to the resolution of the television viewing screen. The actual resolution of this Hdtv is 1920 x 1080. These two numbers relate the quantity of pixels that run vertically and horizontally, 1920 being the horizontal number, and 1080 being the vertical number. What this means to you is, the more pixels, the sharper the images will be.

When you multiply these two numbers together you get a total of 2,073,600 pixels. Currently this is the maximum number of pixels you can get with an Hdtv. One misconception is that the pixels will growth with the bigger viewing screen. This is not the case.

The "p" in 1080p, stands for "progressive scan." This progressive scan is where all the 1080 image lines are refreshed according to the refresh cycle. Now, this may be going deeper into the technicalities than I need to to give you a good honest quote of this Tv. Just understand that 1080 progressive scan is the top refresh cycle you can get.

Just for the record, many population wonder what is the disagreement in the middle of Hdtv (High Definition) and Sdtv (Standard Definition). Briefly, high definition (Hd) provides six times more pixels than a proper definition (Sd) television. Again, what's leading for you to understand, is that Hd has a much sharper photo than Sd.

Let's move on to what "120Hz" means in regards to the Hdtv. Samsung has a highlight called "Auto petition Plus 120Hz." Again without going into unnecessary technical details, there has been talk of a juddering result or petition blur with these high ability Hdtv's. petition blur is fairly self-explanatory, but what is juddering? Briefly, film is shot at 24 frames per second, yet televisions display film at 30 frames per second. In trying to administrate the two to work together, they use what is called a "pulldown method."

Long story short, this created, a petition blur and/or a vibration effect, or what they call in the industry, juddering. To accurate this problem, Samsung has industrialized there "Auto petition Plus 120Hz" feature. What this does is creates new frames at a faster pace to virtually do away with this problem.

Is the problem one-hundred percent resolved? Well, no, but the Auto petition Plus 120Hz, feature, has greatly enhanced your viewing pleasure. The petition blur or juddering result is so minimal, that it virtually goes undetected to the midpoint viewer.

All-in-all, this Samsung 46-Inch 1080p 120Hz Lcd Hdtv, is all that it is cracked up to be. Does this Tv come with a excellent track record? No, it doesn't. There have been some tasteless problems with some of these man-made Tv's, but for the most part, some 97% of the user reviews that I have come across, are highly positive, for this Hdtv. professional reviews, as well, are a notch higher in there sure sway towards the Samsung Ln46A650.

With all that said, I do highly suggest this Tv, but with one caveat, you purchase yourself some extended warranty protection, in the event that some of the more tasteless problems occur over time. Now, I say this not to scare you away from purchasing this Hdtv, if you are in the shop for one, because this one is a good one. I say this because all models have issues that may have to be dealt with, and no matter what Hdtv you purchase, your venture is not a small one, and one you will want to protect.

The link in case,granted here, will take you to a more detailed page regarding this Samsung Ln46A650 Hdtv. There you will find more data regarding the tasteless problems that have cropped up with this Tv. I call them "common problems," but I say tasteless only in reference to the problems themselves. Problems are not tasteless to this Samsung Ln46A650 Hdtv.

You will also find, detailed goods information, user quote quotes that may be important, as well as, some added commentary to help you decree if this Hdtv is for you. You will also find purchase information, as well. Through those links you will be directed to reputable online sellers that also have great track records in customer service.

Lcd Hdtv describe - Samsung Ln46A650



Lcd Hdtv describe - Samsung Ln46A650

Lcd Hdtv describe - Samsung Ln46A650
Lcd Hdtv describe - Samsung Ln46A650


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Friday, April 12, 2013

Hdtv incompatibility Ratio Explained - How to select the Best Lcd Tv - Dynamic incompatibility Ratio

Hdtv incompatibility Ratio Explained - How to select the Best Lcd Tv - Dynamic incompatibility Ratio

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


Introduction to divergence Ratio: divergence ratio (Cr) is a parameter stated for all Hdtvs, but is often very misunderstood. Before the flat panel revolution, Crt televisions never advertised this figure. The respond is straightforward and lies in the technology. Crts use an electron beam to illuminate phosphors on the screen and originate a picture. If the electron beam is switched off, that section of the screen turns absolutely black. White areas would max out the electron beam. Theoretically, old school Tvs had an infinite Cr, and blacks were displayed to perfection.

Lcd Hdtv divergence Ratio: modern Lcd Tvs use twisted nematic crystals to originate the picture. What does that mean? Quite naturally it is the same as using horizontal window blinds to allow or block light. Each tiny cell on your monitor has sub cells with red, green and blue polarizers. Each cell is controlled by a transistor (Tft is Thin Film Transistor) and thus the perceived intensity of the lively backlight can be controlled. To originate black, the cell is ordered fully shut. The problem is (as with the horizontal blinds) that some light will always bleed straight through the crystals. This undesirable consequent produces blacks that are somewhat gray and even colors that don't seem to pop. Inexpensive, deal brand Lcds may suffer from this problem. Most citizen any way do not observation this issue until it is pointed out to them.

Cr Measurement: Lcd makers are free to portion Cr in any way that they please. There is no current acceptable and it is incorrect to correlate divergence ratio between manufactures. Basically Cr is measured by taking a light intensity reading of the brightest area vs the darkest area on the screen. If the brightest area of the screen is 2500, and the darkest area 10, you have a 250:1 Cr. Of course, how you set brightness, contrast, etc. On the Tv can have a big impact on these measurements. Also, equipment calibration and setup can have a bearing. Finally, your eyes will realize divergence differently based on ambient light settings. Do you ever wonder why movies turn down the lights? That should give you a big clue. Also, do not buy a glossy screen if there is ambient light in the room. If you are going to be watching Tv in a room with windows and sunlight, opt for a matte screen.

Dynamic Cr: Despite the large divergence ratio numbers advertised, bare panels may have Cr figures in the 1000:1 range. However, by manipulating back light intensity based on actual scenery, Tv makers can get six and seven outline divergence ratio measurements. For example, why run the back light on full intensity when you are seeing at the night sky with stars? Dim the bulb, and less light will bleed straight through the black area giving the illusion of a much higher divergence ratio. Practically all Lcd Tvs sold now have dynamic divergence ratio. When you purchase a Tv, look for divergence ratios above 40000:1 and a dynamic Cr number. One last word, dynamic divergence percentage isn't a excellent solution, sometimes you have a very dark scene with a small portion of the screen very lively (like a moon lit night). A scene like that could make the divergence between a great Tv and a mediocre one.

Led Lighting: A new develop in technology uses clusters of Leds to illuminate the screen instead of a particular lamp running the top distance of the Tv. The Samsung Un55C7000 is an example of such a Tv. These Tvs can originate total blackness in unavoidable areas of the screen, theoretically creating a near infinite (or seven figure) divergence ratio. Because the Cr is so high, these Tvs can originate life like 3D images that appear to lift off the screen!

What should you think when buying an Hdtv? Do not make divergence ratio a major purchasing point. As a rule, look at divergence ratios in factors of ten. A Tv with a 600K:1 Cr is probably good than one with a 60K:1. Do not naturally select a Tv because the Cr is a few thousand higher. Read Reviews and pay attentiveness to tag words like black and shadow detail, color vibrancy and even descriptions on how games look. These are the real factors in determining ultimate shadow information and Lcd performance.

Hdtv incompatibility Ratio Explained - How to select the Best Lcd Tv - Dynamic incompatibility Ratio



Hdtv incompatibility Ratio Explained - How to select the Best Lcd Tv - Dynamic incompatibility Ratio

Hdtv incompatibility Ratio Explained - How to select the Best Lcd Tv - Dynamic incompatibility Ratio
Hdtv incompatibility Ratio Explained - How to select the Best Lcd Tv - Dynamic incompatibility Ratio


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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv

Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv

Click Here FLV MPlayer - Free Download


Lcd is winning the race to be the dominant display technology for Hdtv. Agreeing to DisplaySearch, in 2007, the shop for Lcd (liquid crystal diode) Tvs was estimated at .4 billion. Lcd Tv shipments rose a stronger than expected 52% year to year in the second quarter of 2008 to nearly 7.5 million units (79.8% of total Hdtv sales).

The Lcd screen on a Lcd Hdtv is a selective light filter. It does not in itself emit light, but selectively filters light passing through the display from the back. Most Hdtvs comprise either a single sheet of luminescent plastic or sidelighting with fluorescent lamps to contribute the backlight. Both techniques are difficult to control.

Many consumers focus on screen resolution when choosing a High Def (Hdtv) system. Is this Hdtv 720p, 1020i, or 1020p? However, when an expert group, the Smpte (Society of motion Pictures and Television Engineers), recently ranked the significance of screen resolution, it ranked fourth. The Smpte ranked inequity ratio, color saturation, color climatic characteristic and grayscale ahead of screen resolution in importance. The Imaging Science Foundation reached a similar conclusion. Backlighting is the key component to revision in inequity ratio and grayscale.

It is prominent that an Lcd law allows for adjustment of the level of backlighting, and preferably, performs this function automatically. This will heighten the inequity of the picture. Also, a reduced backlight level will also sacrifice power consumption and extend lamp life, as the power used and lamp lifetime is directly associated to the backlight level. A lamp with a 50,000 hour lifetime at 6 milliamps may only have a 30,000 hour lifetime if the current is 7 milliamps, just 1 milliamp higher (Example: Sharp Electronics Lcd Display).

Another prominent factor in the selection of backlighting is the observation of "blur". Blur occurs when there is rapid motion in the programming, such as sports. When the picture changes quickly, the pixels can lag in response. Productive backlight engineering can sacrifice this significantly by strobing the backlighting, so that the personel pixels do not remain lit longer than needed. Examples of this technique comprise the Philips "Aptura" and the Samsung "Led motion Plus".


With sidelighting, the backlight is settled in the back of the Lcd panel, and to each side to originate panel illumination. To make the light more uniform, a light diffuser is settled in the middle of the lamps and the rear of the optical filter module. Most Lcd systems that use sidelighting use cold cathode fluorescents (Ccf) lamps. This technology provides a very enchanting white light. The lifetime of the lamps is normally in the middle of 10,000 to 20,000 hours (6-12 years at a rate of 5 hours of use per day).

The most prominent disadvantage is that the intensity of light cannot be varied locally, and sidelighting can look non-uniform. Some Ccf lamps comprise mercury. This is an ecological disadvantage.

The major drawbacks:

The intensity of light cannot be varied locally. This results in a lower inequity picture. The light can be non-uniform. Some Ccf lamps comprise mercury.
Conventional Backlighting

Most backlighting is performed with a single sheet of electroluminescent plastic. These panels can age (though improvements in this area have reduced this problem). Electroluminescent Panel backlighting uses colored phosphors to originate light. Displays using this technique can be thin and lightweight, and contribute even light distribution.

The major drawbacks:

Limited life of 3,000 to 5,000 hours to half radiance (2-3 years at a rate of 5 hours of use per day). The intensity of light cannot be varied locally.
Led Backlighting

Led backlighting uses a matrix of Leds that can be controlled individually to offer very good control. In this configuration, a large whole of Leds are mounted uniformly behind the display. radiance improvements in Leds have made them more practical for backlighting. Nec pioneered this technique with their monitor, the 2180Wg. Other companies, such as Samsung, have recently introduced versions of this technology. This should push prices down (the Samsung model cost less than 1/3 the price of a comparable Nec monitor).

This law offers local dimming technology and can perform 1,000,000:1 dynamic inequity ratio. True actual black levels (the "Holy Grail" of Lcd) are attainable by shutting off a pixel's light source. This can eliminate the grayish black picture typical of many Lcd Hdtvs. Groups of Leds can be locally controlled to yield more light, increasing the radiance when necessary.

The problem with accepted white Leds is that their spectrum is not ideal for photographic pregnancy because they are basically blue Leds with a yellow phosphor on top. Their color spectrum has two peaks, one at blue and other at yellow. White Leds that are based on a group of red, green and blue Leds are ideal for the Rgb color filters of an Lcd and can result in the most saturated colors. Sony's "Triluminos" Led backlight law is an example of this technique.
Sometimes, these Hdtvs have a row of Leds across the top and bottom of the display. This improves the radiance and color reproduction, and enables approximately faultless uniformity across the display.

Led backlights are much more Productive that alternative techniques. And since the Led backlight waste less energy, less heat is generated, that must be managed with air conditioning. Led backlights offer a long operating lifetime of more than 50,000 hours (more than 25 years of use at a rate of 5 hours a day).

Led backlit systems may not show well in a typical sell environment. Typically, the screens are somewhat reflective in order to perform the high inequity ratio, and subsequently, a brightly lit showroom may not flatter this technology. In a more typical less-lit environment, this problem should not be as noticeable.

Engineering Concerns

The electrical engineering is simpler with Led backlights. Cold cathode fluorescent lamps (Ccf) need high Ac voltages (1,500 Vac) at startup, and operating voltages of 700 Vac or more. When the lamp is new it may take much less voltage to start, but with age the voltage requirements normally increase, complicating a designer's problem. An electroluminescent panel requires a voltage of about 100 Vac @ 400 Hertz.

A power inverter (to originate Vac) is needed for both Ccf and electroluminescent panels to control with a Dc power supply. This is a principal expense, in cost, size, and weight of the system. The best inverter for this application permits the output voltage to automatically growth as the lamps age, extending the beneficial life of the lamps.

Lcd systems with Led backlighting apply low voltage Dc, normally 12 or 24 Vdc. This results in a smaller, simpler, and more trustworthy system. Led backlit systems must be well cooled or their performance can suffer. The Leds originate less heat than Ccf lamps, but the heat is very concentrated. Operating at high temperatures reduces the Led lifetime and shifts their light spectrum, while reducing output luminance.


A new technology that you will be hearing about in the future is Organic Led (Oled). This technology has a wholly different backlight technology, it doesn't need one. Because of this, they draw much less power. And because there is no backlight, an Oled law has a larger viewing angle than an Led system. An Oled display is much thinner than an Lcd display. The response time for Oled is faster than general Lcd screens. An mean of 8 to 12 milliseconds in response time is general for a Lcd compared to 0.01 milliseconds in response time for an Oled.

Sony introduced an 11" Hdtv at the buyer Electronics Show in Vegas. The new 11" Sony Tv is called the "Xel-1". It's very thin (1/10") and currently sells for 00. Samsung demonstrated a 31" Oled Hdtv with 1080P resolution at a tradeshow in Asia in November. Lg, Toshiba, Matsushita (Panasonic), and others are investing hundreds of millions of dollars, developing this highly promising technology. Toshiba has plans to sell a 30" Oled display in 2009. Samsung has announced they will sell large screen Oled Hdtvs in 2010.

Oled displays have already been used for some time in digital cameras, cell phones and other devices with relatively small panels, because they are very energy efficient, which is very prominent in movable devices.

In theory, Oled displays can be more inexpensively man-made than Lcd or plasma displays, meaning that they should not be as expensive. Remember that the first large Lcd and Plasma displays were much more costly when they were first introduced.


Lcd Hdtvs and monitors with Led array backlighting are now the coming of selection because they exhibit best image quality while rescue power. The quality to locally control light output is key to achieving high inequity ratios.

Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv



Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv

Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv
Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lcd vs. Dlp Tvs

Lcd vs. Dlp Tvs


Two new technologies in the world of Tv, Dlp and Lcd, are now in a tight competition. Not long ago, every person was talking about Plasma and Lcd - which one would win? It became clear to most that Plasma, with its short lifespan of just 3-4 years, was plainly not the best choice. In fact, the Lcd screen has any benefits over plasma. For instance, Lcd screens run much cooler than the average plasma Tv, and thus need less power to operate. Plasma Tvs run so hot, in fact, that they need a fan to cool them down - which can be noisy. In addition, plasma screens have a tendency to degrade over time, moderately becoming dimmer. Lcd screens, on the other hand, run relatively cool, and do not degrade over time. Some Plasma owners, who have used their Tvs for a few years now, have already witnessed the dimming of their screens. Also, Lcd screens tend to have uncut good photograph quality, and are typically 10 to 15 percent lighter than plasma.

Now the option is in general between Lcd and Dlp - two confident technologies that offer minute differences in display, price, and performance. If you are looking to buy a new flatscreen Tv this year, you are probably wondering which one is right for you.

What are Dlp, Lcd Tv Screens?

Dlp stands for Digital Light Processing, while Lcd stands for Liquid Crystal Display. Dlp technology, developed by Texas Instruments, uses a Dmd, or Digital Micromirror Device, contructed of 1.3 million minute mirrors. Each of these mirrors is essentially a singular pixel. When a digital signal enters the Dlp system, each mirror is either activated or not, resulting in tapestry of mirrors tilting either towards the Dlp light source or away. This process produces dissimilar levels of light and dark reflected by each individual mirror. The colors are produced when the Dlp light sources run straight through a red, green, and blue color filter on a challenging wheel. Depending on the lightness/ darkness of each mirror, the colors come in an broad amount of shades, producing vivid color images.

Lcd screens are made of any polarized glass panels, between which are liquid crystal molecules. An electric current is run straight through the crystal molecules, changing their position in respect to the glass. As light passes straight through the molecules, these changes in angle follow in dissimilar lightness/ darkness patterns that furnish images on the screen. There are commonly three polarized glass panels, one with red pixels, blue, and green. This principles also produced very accurate, vivid images, but angle is important. You may consideration that the best colors in an Lcd display are seen straight-on.

Is Dlp, Lcd Tv Screens good than the other?

Simply put, that is a difficult query to answer. Unlike Plasma Tv screens Dlp and Lcd last much are longer, and are carefully to both have excellent image quality. Lcd screens tend to have slightly good contrast, with a larger range of black and white color shades. Dlp, however, still has faster refresh rates than Lcd (although Lcd has been vastly improved in this area over the last two years). This can have implications if you are legitimately into high-action appeal (sports, action movies), because movement may seem a minute blurred with Lcd at times. Also, you'll want to remember that in order for you to get the best color out of your Lcd, you have to sit right in front of it. Lcd Tvs also have a slightly shorter lifespan than Dlps, with only 45,000 to 60,000 hours compared to 75,000 hours or more. As far as price goes, Lcd and Dlp are still more costly than Plasma, but like all things in time, their price has been advent down. And right now, Dlp is slightly more costly than Lcd, but not by much. Dlp, in our eyes, is the best investment, at least for the next few years.
here for popular Dlp Tv units and prices.

Lcd vs. Dlp Tvs



Lcd vs. Dlp Tvs

Lcd vs. Dlp Tvs
Lcd vs. Dlp Tvs


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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Samsung Hdtv 1080p

Samsung Hdtv 1080p

Samsung Galaxy

Never heard the word 1080p Hdtv? What is the meaning of 1080p? The words of 1080p and Hdtv categorically show the same meaning, namely the resolution. 1080p more specific absolutely where "1080" represent 1080 vertical scan lines and "p" means progressive scan (the image is not interlaced). 1080p can be referred to as full Hd or high definition to differentiate from other Hdtv video modes. The term is regularly thought about a wide aspect ratio of 16:9, implying a horizontal resolution of 1920 pixels.

In marketing material, Samsung is referred 1080p as "Complete High-Definition" Hdtvs, such as Samsung Hdtv 1080p, while some companies, such as Lg, refer to these super-high-res of sets as ultra-Hd, while others prefer to substitute true or full for ultra. The Samsung Lcd Hdtv 1080p is available in sizes from a 32 inch to 52 inch.

One of the most foremost features for an Lcd panel is the pixel response time. Response time refers to the amount of time it takes a pixel to "refresh" itself - to go from being active to being inactive (ready to be re-activated). The lower the milliseconds, the faster the response time. A very fast 5 ms response time virtually eliminates any blurring and gives you smooth-motion performance scenes. Samsung Hdtv 1080p Lcd monitor has a fast 5 ms response rate which will presents smooth-motion scenes with the new high-speed liquid crystal. 52" high-definition Lcd Tv from Samsung give a 35,000:1 dynamic dissimilarity ratio delivers sharp dissimilarity and brightness levels that are clearly dazzling, furnish you deep blacks and crisp lines. It also has 178-degree viewing angle with Super Patterned Vertical Alignment as well as Dnie Digital Natural imagine motor which will improves the photo you are enjoying by improving the detail, dissimilarity and white balance.

The newest Samsung Hdtv 1080p has key features such as :

1. Hidden speakers with Srs TruSound Xt Audio. TruSurround is a patented Srs technology that solves the question of playing 5.1 multichannel content over two speakers. It will delivers a compelling, virtual surround sound palpate straight through any two-speaker playback system, together with internal television speakers and headphones.

2. Built-in digital tuner (Atsc/Clear Qam) in 52" Samsung Hdtv 1080p

3. 3 Hdmi 1.3 ports

4. Vchip law to monitor the Tv programs that your house is watching

5. WiseLink Usb 2.0 port which enables to direct connecting into digital camera or digital Mp3 players and many more. If you want to enjoy sound clarity and sharpness of images in Hdtv movie from your blu-ray Dvd Player, Samsung lcd Hdtv 1080p will furnish perfect delight and the most remarkable experiences to you.

Samsung Hdtv 1080p


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Toshiba 40Rv525R 40-Inch 1080p Lcd Hdtv

Samsung Galaxy

Specifications: The 40Rv525R Toshiba Lcd Hdtv is one the latest models in the Toshiba's Hdtv range. It is a 40-inch Tv that sports some new and improved features. It comes with a 10bit video processor and a 60Hz scan rate. It has an 8 second pixel response rate and when on Cinema Mode, can play videos at 24 frames per second. It comes with 3 Hdmi inputs, 2 Hd component inputs, analog audio output, Dolby Digital production and some others. It is also an power effective model as it is power Star 3 compliant.

Design: The 40Rv525R Toshiba Lcd Hdtv measures at 39.2 x 25 x 3.2 inches and weights at 39.3 pounds. This model sports a rather traditional design. It has the usual glossy black external casing and a relatively small rectangular black stand. I personally prefer more edgier designs, but than again simplicity works for many people. The speakers are settled just below the screen, hidden behind a thin strip the runs the distance of the Hdtv.

Features & Performance: This new model incorporates the DynaLight Backlight control that automatically adjusts the back-lights of each video frame to produce level transitions to create realistic details and deep blacks. There is also a Color temperature control highlight that enables you to adjust the color temperature agreeing to the lighting conditions of the room. The Gaming Mode works pretty well on most of our games too. Overall, the new 40Rv525R Toshiba Lcd Hdtv is good buy for those who are seeing for a simple, medium-sized, no-frills Lcd Hdtv. It is well priced and comes with a good set of features that provides an enjoyable viewing experience.

Toshiba 40Rv525R 40-Inch 1080p Lcd Hdtv


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv communicate

Samsung Galaxy

Lets say you are in hunt of a small and lightweight Television which will form a part of your office room or kitchen, then this Hdtv is merely the ideal one for you. Not only does it have all the fundamental features of an Hdtv but it also has a comparatively less price tag affiliated to it. The decrease in price is primarily because of the size and the resolution. With 720p resolution, the pictures can be seen with vast |lucidity. But it does lack the further sharpness of the 1080p resolution. Since most of the fare on the television is in 720p, it is of course an provocative idea to have a Tv with this resolution. But when you feel like finding at movies on the Blu-ray disc player, you may be a slightly dissatisfied.

Talk shows can be seen free of fee through the built-in Hdtv tuner. If you want to view other channels which are not free, then you have to chooser a set top box and pay a periodic subscription for that. But the pictures that you get on the Television are of course pleasant with 3000:1 disagreement ratio. Nearly all the contentious models compete for this form of disagreement on the bigge models. Any way Samsung has been able to offer of course higher values in all its models.

The breathtaking sound is the trademark of every Samsung model. Even in this itsybitsy Tv, Samsung is able to offer a of course good audio with two 3W speakers. With surround sound being an in-built feature, you can pick up the music and the dialogues distinctly even if you are a bit far from the Television. You can safely mount up the Television on the wall and still caress a pleasant audio effect. The itsybitsy Television with ultra-slim design will also look good on the walls. Resembling a itsybitsy provocative picture, it will also improve the milieu of the room.

Samsung pays heed to connectivity options in the Samsung Ln19B360C5D even in this itsybitsy Lcd. On that note there is an Hdmi for connecting high definition devices. As a matter of fact, inputs are galore with 2 component video inputs and 1 composite video input. In that respect there is also a Pc input to aid the Hdtv as a computer monitor. The V-chip parental control are also generated to ensure that children do not gain entrance to all the channels. Similar to most of the Hdtvs nowadays, this set is also power Star certified. of course with so many features to keep you |absorbe, this set of course deserves a second look. Buying it will of course give you solid results.

Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv communicate


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's

Samsung Galaxy

Looking for great deals on Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's? It's always shopping season for quality electronics and people anywhere are looking for great prices on these flat screens so read on to get the skinny on getting unquestionably good deals.

Lcd or Plasma?

If you still have an old-fashioned Crt Tv that looks like an ugly box and weighs about 500 lbs, it's probably time to upgrade to a best television. Dream how much more enjoyable your experience will be watching your favorite game or a good movie on a quality screen. Lcd and Plasma are the current leaders in the Hdtv arena but which one is better? Both have their pros and cons so lets scrutinize them.


Plasma does not exist in a screen size smaller than 42 inches so if you are looking for something for the bedroom or a small room, Plasma might not work for you. Plasma sets also output a bit of heat from the vents on the side. This might lead to overheating if you plan to have the tv in a tight-fitting cabinet. Lastly, Plasma tv's are still susceptible to the burn-in supervene which can occur from continued stationary objects on the screen.


Lcd Tv's are excellent for small cabinets, bedrooms and kitchens as they come in all sizes fluctuating from 19" to 60". They are quite energy-efficient and are brightly lit. If you are looking for something that is Pc compatible then an Lcd flat panel is the selection for you. But the most challenging aspect is the price. Lcd Tv's are still less costly than Plasma Tv's and also have a higher resolution than comparably-sized Plasmas.

Both technologies have their upsides and downsides but with everybody looking for the best high-definition experience, Lcd has by far the most choices in the 1080p range compared to Plasma. If you are looking to give your home theatre a jumpstart then a new Lcd might be in your future.

Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Lcd Hdtv - Technical facts

Samsung Galaxy

Lcd Hdtv has come to be a trend in the home entertainment manufactures because of its sleek and thin design. It has gained recognition because of its innovative features and impressive picture quality. Hdtv manufacturers continue to progress and modify the good features and make it even better. However, regardless of the development, the consumers are given an selection to buy a good Lcd Hdtv at a very reasonable price, which suits their lifestyle and needs. Here are some pointers to consider in selecting an Lcd Tv.

When you shop for a television, first thing that you would probably ask is the resolution. Nowadays, 1080p resolution is the best for consumer home theater. Some associates promote a 1080i Lcd Hdtv that has an actual widescreen resolution of 1,366 by 768 pixels, which greatly differs from the 1080p. 1080p resolution has 1,920 by 1,080 pixels.

Sometimes specifications that are worthless like variation ratio and pixel response time. These specifications are problematic because there are many variations and each is calculated in notably different ways. Sales people tend to focus on anyone specification calculation offers the most impressive looking result.

Regarding pixel response time, what you need to know is if a particular Lcd Tv is optimized to sell out the smearing of an image when showing a fast petition video. Currently, the 120-Hz display technology is the highlight that best addresses this problem. It is a prime Lcd highlight but its advantages are instantaneously recognizable.

Contrast ratio is the ratio of measured light yield when displaying white to its measured light yield when displaying video black, also called the black level. There are some types of variation ratio calculations. These are sequential, intra-frame, and dynamic. But these calculation results are often useless when comparing one Lcd Hdtv to another. It is good to focus on which model makes the deepest and darkest representation of video black because the Lcd Tv that has a darker black level has the more detailed, enhanced saturation, and more captivating image.

An Lcd Hdtv screen can yield more than twice the light yield of a Plasma Tv. The extra radiance that an Lcd Hdtv can contribute helps in maintaining picture information by improving the dynamic range of the image in a well-lit environment. To minimize distracting light reflections, a lot of Lcd Hdtvs have a matte finish. However, there are some new Lcd Hdtvs that are incorporating glossy top filters that enhance apparent variation and color saturation by making video black appear pitch-black dark. glossy Lcd screens make a slightly crispier picture than a matte complete face filter can produce.

An Lcd Tv produces a picture by channeling the yield of a very captivating backlighting system straight through a series of optic filters. The capacity to operate an Lcd Tv's backlight can help minimize eyestrain in a dark viewing environment. In addition, the radiance level of an Lcd Hdtv's backlight correlates to its power consumption. Lower backlight yield to dark-room viewing levels can supervene in one-half to two-third less power consumed. Also, lower backlighting extends the lifespan of the lamp module.

Lastly, you should consider video port needs, particularly Hdmi. High-Definition Multimedia Interface is the proper for digital video exchange in home-theater. The main benefits are the clarity of a digital signal and the audio and video that are streamed over a particular cable connection. Base appliances that can be related to an Lcd Hdtv straight through Hdmi are Dvd players and game consoles. Most Lcd Hdtv provides two to four ports.

Look for these different features when you are purchasing an Lcd Hdtv. This technical knowledge will help you rule which Lcd Hdtv meets your needs.

Lcd Hdtv - Technical facts


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv

Samsung Galaxy

Lcd vs plasma Hdtv - which is best? If you're finding for a flat-screen, slim and sexy display, to watch Hdtv, you have a selection of two technologies, Lcd and gas plasma.

Each has benefits and disadvantages and so each is more accepted in specific

Historically, the Lcd vs plasma Hdtv selection has been fairly simple. If you wanted a
flat-screen that was about 40in or bigger, you had to select plasma, otherwise you
should select Lcd. However, as Lcd technology improves, Lcd Hdtvs are getting
bigger and most of the major manufacturers expect the number of Lcds they
produce to grow steadily over the next few years while the number of plasmas will
decrease. However, if you're finding for a flatscreen Tv today, plasma still has a lot
to offer.

To understand the Lcd vs plasma Hdtv question, we need to look at the way the
two technologies work.


Lcd Hdtvs work by shining a light behind an Lcd panel made up of a fixed number
of pixels. Each pixel is either red, blue or green and is switched on or off when a
voltage is applied to it. When voltage is applied to a pixel, it is switched off,
meaning that light can't shine through it.

The main advantage of Lcd vs plasma Hdtv is that Lcd panels don't suffer from
what's called burn-in. This is a feature of plasma Tvs where they are used to watch
Tv stations with logos constantly displayed on-screen or where they are used for
video gaming with games that have static images such as a cockpit on flight
simulators. The image positively 'burns-in' the screen meaning that even when the
image is not present you can still see a faint trace of it on screen. So for video
gamers in particular, Lcd is a better selection than plasma.


Plasma Hdtvs have over a million chambers which house one or a compound of
gasses. When a voltage is applied to one of these chambers the gas ionizes and
emits ultra-violet light. This light strikes red, green or plue phophors coated on the
inside of the room and a pixel emits this color light.

Plasma Hdtvs tend to have better variation than Lcds because, even when a pixel
on an Lcd panel is switched off it doesn't block all the light advent through and
therefore the pixel isn't fully black. Plasma Hdtvs also tend to have a wider
viewing angle than Lcds, as on Lcd Hdtvs the variation and colour of the image can
change when the screen is viewed from different angles.

Lcd vs Plasma Hdtv conclusion

Technology is changing rapidly, but for now (July 2004) it's still true to say that at
sizes of 40in and above, plasma offers a less-expensive and generally better
solution. For screen-sizes less than 40in Lcd is better. However, as Lcd technology
improves and prices fall, this will change.

Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's

Samsung Galaxy

Looking for great deals on Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's? It's all the time shopping season for quality electronics and citizen anywhere are looking for great prices on these flat screens so read on to get the skinny on getting really good deals.

Lcd or Plasma?

If you still have an old-fashioned Crt Tv that looks like an ugly box and weighs about 500 lbs, it's probably time to upgrade to a best television. Dream how much more enjoyable your sense will be watching your popular game or a good movie on a quality screen. Lcd and Plasma are the current leaders in the Hdtv arena but which one is better? Both have their pros and cons so lets search for them.


Plasma does not exist in a screen size smaller than 42 inches so if you are looking for something for the bedroom or a small room, Plasma might not work for you. Plasma sets also output a bit of heat from the vents on the side. This might lead to overheating if you plan to have the tv in a tight-fitting cabinet. Lastly, Plasma tv's are still susceptible to the burn-in consequent which can occur from continued stationary objects on the screen.


Lcd Tv's are excellent for small cabinets, bedrooms and kitchens as they come in all sizes fluctuating from 19" to 60". They are quite energy-efficient and are brightly lit. If you are looking for something that is Pc compatible then an Lcd flat panel is the choice for you. But the most entertaining aspect is the price. Lcd Tv's are still less expensive than Plasma Tv's and also have a higher resolution than comparably-sized Plasmas.

Both technologies have their upsides and downsides but with every person looking for the best high-definition experience, Lcd has by far the most choices in the 1080p range compared to Plasma. If you are looking to give your home theatre a jumpstart then a new Lcd might be in your future.

Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv reveal

Samsung Galaxy

Lets say you are in search of a small and lightweight Television which will form a part of your office room or kitchen, then this Hdtv is merely the ideal one for you. Not only does it have all the fundamental features of an Hdtv but it also has a comparatively less price tag affiliated to it. The decrease in price is primarily because of the size and the resolution. With 720p resolution, the pictures can be seen with vast |lucidity. But it does lack the further sharpness of the 1080p resolution. Since most of the fare on the television is in 720p, it is unmistakably an fascinating idea to have a Tv with this resolution. But when you feel like finding at movies on the Blu-ray disc player, you may be a slightly dissatisfied.

Talk shows can be seen free of charge straight through the built-in Hdtv tuner. If you want to view other channels which are not free, then you have to chooser a set top box and pay a periodic subscription for that. But the pictures that you get on the Television are unmistakably pleasant with 3000:1 distinction ratio. Nearly all the contentious models compete for this form of distinction on the bigge models. Any way Samsung has been able to offer unmistakably higher values in all its models.

The fantastic sound is the trademark of every Samsung model. Even in this limited Tv, Samsung is able to offer a unmistakably good audio with two 3W speakers. With surround sound being an in-built feature, you can pick up the music and the dialogues distinctly even if you are a bit far from the Television. You can safely mount up the Television on the wall and still sense a pleasant audio effect. The limited Television with ultra-slim construct will also look good on the walls. Resembling a limited fascinating picture, it will also enhance the milieu of the room.

Samsung pays heed to connectivity options in the Samsung Ln19B360C5D even in this limited Lcd. On that note there is an Hdmi for connecting high definition devices. As a matter of fact, inputs are galore with 2 component video inputs and 1 composite video input. In that respect there is also a Pc input to sustain the Hdtv as a computer monitor. The V-chip parental operate are also generated to ensure that children do not gain passage to all the channels. Similar to most of the Hdtvs nowadays, this set is also energy Star certified. unmistakably with so many features to keep you |absorbe, this set unmistakably deserves a second look. Buying it will unmistakably give you solid results.

Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv reveal


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

No URL Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's

Samsung Galaxy

Looking for great deals on Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's? It's all the time shopping season for quality electronics and citizen anywhere are seeing for great prices on these flat screens so read on to get the skinny on getting literally good deals.

Lcd or Plasma?

If you still have an old-fashioned Crt Tv that looks like an ugly box and weighs about 500 lbs, it's probably time to upgrade to a best television. Imagine how much more enjoyable your sense will be watching your popular game or a good movie on a quality screen. Lcd and Plasma are the current leaders in the Hdtv arena but which one is better? Both have their pros and cons so lets eye them.


Plasma does not exist in a screen size smaller than 42 inches so if you are seeing for something for the bedroom or a small room, Plasma might not work for you. Plasma sets also output a bit of heat from the vents on the side. This might contribute to overheating if you plan to have the tv in a tight-fitting cabinet. Lastly, Plasma tv's are still susceptible to the burn-in ensue which can occur from continued stationary objects on the screen.


Lcd Tv's are perfect for small cabinets, bedrooms and kitchens as they come in all sizes ranging from 19" to 60". They are quite energy-efficient and are brightly lit. If you are seeing for something that is Pc compatible then an Lcd flat panel is the choice for you. But the most provocative aspect is the price. Lcd Tv's are still less expensive than Plasma Tv's and also have a higher resolution than comparably-sized Plasmas.

Both technologies have their upsides and downsides but with everybody seeing for the best high-definition experience, Lcd has by far the most choices in the 1080p range compared to Plasma. If you are seeing to give your home theatre a jumpstart then a new Lcd might be in your future.

Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

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Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv

Samsung Galaxy

Lcd is winning the race to be the dominant display technology for Hdtv. According to DisplaySearch, in 2007, the shop for Lcd (liquid crystal diode) Tvs was estimated at .4 billion. Lcd Tv shipments rose a stronger than imaginable 52% year to year in the second quarter of 2008 to nearly 7.5 million units (79.8% of total Hdtv sales).

The Lcd screen on a Lcd Hdtv is a selective light filter. It does not in itself emit light, but selectively filters light passing straight through the display from the back. Most Hdtvs include either a particular sheet of luminescent plastic or sidelighting with fluorescent lamps to contribute the backlight. Both techniques are difficult to control.

Many consumers focus on screen resolution when choosing a High Def (Hdtv) system. Is this Hdtv 720p, 1020i, or 1020p? However, when an specialist group, the Smpte (Society of request for retrial Pictures and Television Engineers), recently ranked the significance of screen resolution, it ranked fourth. The Smpte ranked variation ratio, color saturation, color climatic characteristic and grayscale ahead of screen resolution in importance. The Imaging Science Foundation reached a similar conclusion. Backlighting is the key component to revising in variation ratio and grayscale.

It is prominent that an Lcd system allows for adjustment of the level of backlighting, and preferably, performs this function automatically. This will improve the variation of the picture. Also, a reduced backlight level will also sacrifice power consumption and expand lamp life, as the power used and lamp lifetime is directly linked to the backlight level. A lamp with a 50,000 hour lifetime at 6 milliamps may only have a 30,000 hour lifetime if the current is 7 milliamps, just 1 milliamp higher (Example: Sharp Electronics Lcd Display).

Another prominent factor in the selection of backlighting is the notice of "blur". Blur occurs when there is rapid request for retrial in the programming, such as sports. When the photo changes quickly, the pixels can lag in response. Efficient backlight engineering can sacrifice this significantly by strobing the backlighting, so that the personel pixels do not remain lit longer than needed. Examples of this technique include the Philips "Aptura" and the Samsung "Led request for retrial Plus".


With sidelighting, the backlight is located in the back of the Lcd panel, and to each side to create panel illumination. To make the light more uniform, a light diffuser is located in the middle of the lamps and the rear of the optical filter module. Most Lcd systems that use sidelighting use cold cathode fluorescents (Ccf) lamps. This technology provides a very fascinating white light. The lifetime of the lamps is ordinarily in the middle of 10,000 to 20,000 hours (6-12 years at a rate of 5 hours of use per day).

The most prominent disadvantage is that the intensity of light cannot be assorted locally, and sidelighting can look non-uniform. Some Ccf lamps include mercury. This is an ecological disadvantage.

The major drawbacks:

The intensity of light cannot be assorted locally. This results in a lower variation picture. The light can be non-uniform. Some Ccf lamps include mercury.
Conventional Backlighting

Most backlighting is performed with a particular sheet of electroluminescent plastic. These panels can age (though improvements in this area have reduced this problem). Electroluminescent Panel backlighting uses colored phosphors to create light. Displays using this technique can be thin and lightweight, and contribute even light distribution.

The major drawbacks:

Limited life of 3,000 to 5,000 hours to half brightness (2-3 years at a rate of 5 hours of use per day). The intensity of light cannot be assorted locally.
Led Backlighting

Led backlighting uses a matrix of Leds that can be controlled individually to offer very good control. In this configuration, a large whole of Leds are mounted uniformly behind the display. brightness improvements in Leds have made them more practical for backlighting. Nec pioneered this technique with their monitor, the 2180Wg. Other companies, such as Samsung, have recently introduced versions of this technology. This should push prices down (the Samsung model cost less than 1/3 the price of a comparable Nec monitor).

This system offers local dimming technology and can accomplish 1,000,000:1 dynamic variation ratio. True actual black levels (the "Holy Grail" of Lcd) are attainable by shutting off a pixel's light source. This can eliminate the grayish black photo typical of many Lcd Hdtvs. Groups of Leds can be locally controlled to produce more light, increasing the brightness when necessary.

The question with accepted white Leds is that their spectrum is not ideal for photographic gravidity because they are basically blue Leds with a yellow phosphor on top. Their color spectrum has two peaks, one at blue and an additional one at yellow. White Leds that are based on a group of red, green and blue Leds are ideal for the Rgb color filters of an Lcd and can follow in the most saturated colors. Sony's "Triluminos" Led backlight system is an example of this technique.
Sometimes, these Hdtvs have a row of Leds across the top and bottom of the display. This improves the brightness and color reproduction, and enables approximately faultless uniformity across the display.

Led backlights are much more Efficient that alternative techniques. And since the Led backlight waste less energy, less heat is generated, that must be managed with air conditioning. Led backlights offer a long operating lifetime of more than 50,000 hours (more than 25 years of use at a rate of 5 hours a day).

Led backlit systems may not show well in a typical sell environment. Typically, the screens are somewhat reflective in order to accomplish the high variation ratio, and subsequently, a brightly lit showroom may not flatter this technology. In a more typical less-lit environment, this question should not be as noticeable.

Engineering Concerns

The electrical engineering is simpler with Led backlights. Cold cathode fluorescent lamps (Ccf) require high Ac voltages (1,500 Vac) at startup, and operating voltages of 700 Vac or more. When the lamp is new it may take much less voltage to start, but with age the voltage requirements ordinarily increase, complicating a designer's problem. An electroluminescent panel requires a voltage of about 100 Vac @ 400 Hertz.

A power inverter (to create Vac) is needed for both Ccf and electroluminescent panels to operate with a Dc power supply. This is a significant expense, in cost, size, and weight of the system. The best inverter for this application permits the yield voltage to automatically increase as the lamps age, extending the useful life of the lamps.

Lcd systems with Led backlighting apply low voltage Dc, ordinarily 12 or 24 Vdc. This results in a smaller, simpler, and more dependable system. Led backlit systems must be well cooled or their doing can suffer. The Leds create less heat than Ccf lamps, but the heat is very concentrated. Operating at high temperatures reduces the Led lifetime and shifts their light spectrum, while reducing yield luminance.


A new technology that you will be hearing about in the time to come is Organic Led (Oled). This technology has a wholly distinct backlight technology, it doesn't need one. Because of this, they draw much less power. And because there is no backlight, an Oled system has a larger viewing angle than an Led system. An Oled display is much thinner than an Lcd display. The response time for Oled is faster than general Lcd screens. An median of 8 to 12 milliseconds in response time is general for a Lcd compared to 0.01 milliseconds in response time for an Oled.

Sony introduced an 11" Hdtv at the consumer Electronics Show in Vegas. The new 11" Sony Tv is called the "Xel-1". It's very thin (1/10") and currently sells for 00. Samsung demonstrated a 31" Oled Hdtv with 1080P resolution at a tradeshow in Asia in November. Lg, Toshiba, Matsushita (Panasonic), and others are investing hundreds of millions of dollars, developing this very promising technology. Toshiba has plans to sell a 30" Oled display in 2009. Samsung has announced they will sell large screen Oled Hdtvs in 2010.

Oled displays have already been used for some time in digital cameras, cell phones and other devices with relatively small panels, because they are very energy efficient, which is very prominent in transported devices.

In theory, Oled displays can be more inexpensively artificial than Lcd or plasma displays, meaning that they should not be as expensive. Remember that the first large Lcd and Plasma displays were much more expensive when they were first introduced.


Lcd Hdtvs and monitors with Led array backlighting are now the coming of selection because they exhibit great image capability while recovery power. The capability to locally operate light yield is key to achieving high variation ratios.

Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

No URL Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv

Samsung Galaxy

Lcd vs plasma Hdtv - which is best? If you're looking for a flat-screen, slim and sexy display, to watch Hdtv, you have a option of two technologies, Lcd and gas plasma.

Each has benefits and disadvantages and so each is more suitable in specific

Historically, the Lcd vs plasma Hdtv option has been fairly simple. If you wanted a
flat-screen that was about 40in or bigger, you had to pick plasma, otherwise you
should pick Lcd. However, as Lcd technology improves, Lcd Hdtvs are getting
bigger and most of the major manufacturers expect the number of Lcds they
produce to grow steadily over the next few years while the number of plasmas will
decrease. However, if you're looking for a flatscreen Tv today, plasma still has a lot
to offer.

To understand the Lcd vs plasma Hdtv question, we need to look at the way the
two technologies work.


Lcd Hdtvs work by shining a light behind an Lcd panel made up of a fixed number
of pixels. Each pixel is whether red, blue or green and is switched on or off when a
voltage is applied to it. When voltage is applied to a pixel, it is switched off,
meaning that light can't shine through it.

The main benefit of Lcd vs plasma Hdtv is that Lcd panels don't suffer from
what's called burn-in. This is a highlight of plasma Tvs where they are used to watch
Tv stations with logos enduringly displayed on-screen or where they are used for
video gaming with games that have static images such as a cockpit on flight
simulators. The image verily 'burns-in' the screen meaning that even when the
image is not gift you can still see a faint trace of it on screen. So for video
gamers in particular, Lcd is a good option than plasma.


Plasma Hdtvs have over a million chambers which house one or a combination of
gasses. When a voltage is applied to one of these chambers the gas ionizes and
emits ultra-violet light. This light strikes red, green or plue phophors coated on the
inside of the chamber and a pixel emits this color light.

Plasma Hdtvs tend to have good disagreement than Lcds because, even when a pixel
on an Lcd panel is switched off it doesn't block all the light coming through and
therefore the pixel isn't wholly black. Plasma Hdtvs also tend to have a wider
viewing angle than Lcds, as on Lcd Hdtvs the disagreement and colour of the image can
change when the screen is viewed from different angles.

Lcd vs Plasma Hdtv conclusion

Technology is changing rapidly, but for now (July 2004) it's still true to say that at
sizes of 40in and above, plasma offers a less-expensive and ordinarily good
solution. For screen-sizes less than 40in Lcd is better. However, as Lcd technology
improves and prices fall, this will change.

Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv


Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 9.05 Mins.

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

No URL Zulu & Maximus vs Comfort & JJ | JUSTE DEBOUT USA | | HIP HOP FINALS | 2013

Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv

Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv
Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv

Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv
Lcd Backlighting For Hdtv


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's

Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's
Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv reveal

Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv reveal
Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv reveal


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's

Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's
Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv

Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv
Lcd Vs Plasma Hdtv


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Lcd Hdtv - Technical facts

Lcd Hdtv - Technical facts
Lcd Hdtv - Technical facts


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's

Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's
Deals On Panasonic Lcd Hdtv's


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv communicate

Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv communicate
Samsung Ln19B360 19 Inch 720p Lcd Hdtv communicate


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Toshiba 40Rv525R 40-Inch 1080p Lcd Hdtv

Toshiba 40Rv525R 40-Inch 1080p Lcd Hdtv
Toshiba 40Rv525R 40-Inch 1080p Lcd Hdtv


Zulu and Maximum vs Comfort and JJ Juste Debout NYC New York City USA Qualifier 1/20/2013 filmed by Saad Emm STRIFE.TV winner Comfort & JJ



Samsung Hdtv 1080p

Samsung Hdtv 1080p
Samsung Hdtv 1080p


58mm 045x SUPER WIDE Canon OmniMount ECSB Component Shelf